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Friday, September 23, 2011

ourWorld Mystery Mole, september 23th

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Promoção Interativa ourWorld 2011

Participate in the promotion of our partner Interactive Sheet, and enjoy the chance to win up to a passport of one month of residence in ourWorld, run and enjoy the promotion ends tomorrow, click here and enjoy

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Codes ourWorld Gems!

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Ñ Saiu

Monthy Code


Crismon Basilisk Mystery Box for residents in ourworld

Who was a resident until September 17, received a very special prize, a box which contained a special item super-rare, to have had to be resident until yesterday, check below all the items that were given to residents, only remembering it was just one of the following, and yet were given randomly.

Haloween ourWorld 2011

All pumpkins must remember those who had passed on haloween, where he was piossível find various items. some rare and hard to find, in most cases were bullets in this haloween surprise return items, but to find them you need to buy a special basket for candy and mischief, where you can find the various environments ourWorld cool items enjoy, and until then .....

ourWorld style haloween

The Magical World has come into ourworld haloween pace, and expects all its inhabitants acquire items mees daas dark witches, so that everyone can be a character in costume parties this month (October), you can see why there , everywhere scattered items that show us that our world is in the style of witchcraft, so we can all live more intensely the month of October is fantasy. the new scenarios are available from the new update.

Haloween 2011 items ourWorld

These items will be in stores soon deisponíveis of ourworld, they are composed of multiple items and are available in blue, red, pink, white and black, below you can check out costumes that are available for you to stay in the wonderful festivities of the day ourWorld witches in 2011.

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